Re: [css-grid] Reduced Subgrid Proposal

> On 20 Apr 2016, at 19:16, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> You can't create additional tracks in this proposal - subgrids have no
> implicit grid.  You have to plan ahead and allocate exactly as many
> tracks as you're going to need.

thanks for the explanation.

> We acknowledge that this is a limitation, but not a killer one for
> most cases.  A lot of cases that look like "subgrid" can actually just
> be handled by nesting a grid, which has full powers to create implicit
> tracks.  The main unhandled case is wanting a nested grid that cares
> about the parent grid's lines in one axis only; this case appears to
> be relatively rare/niche, and requires a *significantly* more
> complicated solution, so we're proposing to defer it.

I’ve written up my understanding of this, along with a potential use case (for design system components)[1]. It doesn’t feel like a niche case to me however perhaps it is in practice or this is enough of a step forward to get round the downsides and still be shippable.

If this is where the spec goes I would also like to see options left open for a return of the single dimension subgrid in a future level (as Rego mentioned).

1. <>


Received on Tuesday, 26 April 2016 05:16:53 UTC