RE: [css-round-display] Method for setting the viewport into the non-rectangle display

> On Apr 13, 2016, at 10:04, Florian Rivoal <> wrote:
>   viewport-fit: auto | contain | cover
>   initial value: auto
>   This descriptor only has an effect when the screen/window/viewing area
>   is not rectangular. When it is rectangular, both values give the same
> result.
>   On non-rectangular screens/windows/viewing areas, it determines what
>   rectangle is used to set the dimensions of Initial Viewport, and is
>   used as the Visual Viewport.

'viewport-fit' can set the size of the bounding box which is used for
applying the actual viewport (visual viewport). 
What would be the appropriate terminology for 'the bounding box'?

>   auto: Same as 'contain', except the UA may also use a slightly larger
>         rectangle, as long as this would not cause a significant part of
>         the viewport to be off screen. In any case, the rectangle must not
>         be larger than the one implied by contain. For example, on
>         a screen with only slightly rounded corners, the rectangle used
>         could be the same as with 'cover'
How can we know that the shape of the display is the rounded rectangle?

When setting the size of the bounding box for the viewport on
non-rectangular display, we have to consider:
  - Clipped area which is caused because the area of the viewport bounding
box is larger than the area of the display.
  - Gap between the bounding box for the viewport and the border of the

There can be the situation that the author doesn't know the exact shape of
the display (Neither rectangle nor round).
If the shape of the display cannot be predictable, it have to be guaranteed
that any part of the web page isn't hidden.
So, avoiding clipping is more important than having a gap between the
bounding box of the viewport and the border of the screen. 

I think 'auto' could be the same as 'contain' when the shape of the display
is rectangle or round.
And when the shape of the display is the other shapes such as rounded
rectangle or star-shape, it works like 'cover'


Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2016 07:11:19 UTC