RE: [css-text] Amending hanging-punctuation for Western typography

On 2016-04-01 Jon Lee wrote:
> Inspired by the options available in Illustrator [7] ...
> the proposal expands the “hanging-punctuation” property:
> hanging-punctuation: none | [ <mode> <character-set> , ]* <mode>
> <character-set>
> 2. <character-set> specifies how a punctuation mark hangs relative to
> its line box. The marks are grouped into sets.
> “latin-primary” characters hang fully outside of the line box. It
> includes the following characters:
>  - Single straight quote, double straight quote, comma, full stop
>  - Unicode Pd that is a hyphen (the spirit of this is to include
>       characters that would be used to break a word)
>  - Unicode Pf, Pi
> “latin-secondary” characters hang 50% outside of the line box. It
> includes the following characters:
>  - Asterisks, tildes, ellipses, colons, semicolons
>  - Unicode Pd not included in “latin-primary” (em dashes and 
>       the like)

Overall a nice attempt. I am just worried those values '100% and 50% outside' are too rough. In ConTeXt typesetting engine both left and right values are specified and they are apparently less coarse.

// taken from font-ext.lua

vectors['punctuation'] = {

    [0x003F] = { 0,    0.20 }, -- ?
    [0x00BF] = { 0,    0.20 }, -- ¿
    [0x0021] = { 0,    0.20 }, -- !
    [0x00A1] = { 0,    0.20 }, -- ¡
    [0x0028] = { 0.05, 0    }, -- (
    [0x0029] = { 0,    0.05 }, -- )
    [0x005B] = { 0.05, 0    }, -- [
    [0x005D] = { 0,    0.05 }, -- ]
    [0x002C] = { 0,    0.70 }, -- comma
    [0x002E] = { 0,    0.70 }, -- period
    [0x003A] = { 0,    0.50 }, -- colon
    [0x003B] = { 0,    0.50 }, -- semicolon
    [0x002D] = { 0,    0.70 }, -- hyphen
    [0x00AD] = { 0,    0.70 }, -- also hyphen
    [0x2013] = { 0,    0.30 }, -- endash
    [0x2014] = { 0,    0.20 }, -- emdash
    [0x060C] = { 0,    0.70 }, -- arabic comma
    [0x061B] = { 0,    0.50 }, -- arabic semicolon
    [0x06D4] = { 0,    0.70 }, -- arabic full stop
    [0x061F] = { 0,    0.20 }, -- ؟

    -- todo: left and right quotes: .5 double, .7 single

    [0x2039] = { 0.70, 0.70 }, -- left single guillemet   ‹
    [0x203A] = { 0.70, 0.70 }, -- right single guillemet  ›
    [0x00AB] = { 0.50, 0.50 }, -- left guillemet          «
    [0x00BB] = { 0.50, 0.50 }, -- right guillemet         »

    [0x2018] = { 0.70, 0.70 }, -- left single quotation mark             ‘
    [0x2019] = { 0,    0.70 }, -- right single quotation mark            ’
    [0x201A] = { 0.70, 0    }, -- single low-9 quotation mark            ,
    [0x201B] = { 0.70, 0    }, -- single high-reversed-9 quotation mark  ‛
    [0x201C] = { 0.50, 0.50 }, -- left double quotation mark             “
    [0x201D] = { 0,    0.50 }, -- right double quotation mark            ”
    [0x201E] = { 0.50, 0    }, -- double low-9 quotation mark            „
    [0x201F] = { 0.50, 0    }, -- double high-reversed-9 quotation mark  ‟


vectors['alpha'] = {

    [byte("A")] = { .05, .05 },
    [byte("F")] = {   0, .05 },
    [byte("J")] = { .05,   0 },
    [byte("K")] = {   0, .05 },
    [byte("L")] = {   0, .05 },
    [byte("T")] = { .05, .05 },
    [byte("V")] = { .05, .05 },
    [byte("W")] = { .05, .05 },
    [byte("X")] = { .05, .05 },
    [byte("Y")] = { .05, .05 },

    [byte("k")] = {   0, .05 },
    [byte("r")] = {   0, .05 },
    [byte("t")] = {   0, .05 },
    [byte("v")] = { .05, .05 },
    [byte("w")] = { .05, .05 },
    [byte("x")] = { .05, .05 },
    [byte("y")] = { .05, .05 },



Received on Friday, 1 April 2016 21:00:34 UTC