Re: [css-color] shifting a color to make adequate contrast with another color

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 10:01 PM, Andrew VanWagoner
<> wrote:
> I've made an attempt to contrast against another color in a branch of
> css-color-function:
> Here's what I think is the key: Knowing the direction of maximum
> color, we can calculate the minimum contrast color's luminosity, and
> as we move toward the maximum color, the luminosity of base color
> changes monotonically. We also know which luminosity will be larger
> when contrast ratio is calculated.
> That does mean that in the contrast curve between the base color and
> the background color, the colors where contrast decreases are
> unreachable.
> For the #808080 problem, perhaps a better way to determine the
> direction of the maximum is which provides a better contrast ratio,
> instead of lum < .5. Then the maximum color will be black instead of
> white. I haven't tried that yet though.
> I still feel like I might be missing something though. Let me know if
> you see anything that doesn't look right.

I'm not spending a bunch of time decoding your algo, but I think what
you're doing is tracing backwards from the max-contrast color until
you hit the min-contrast color for the first time (which'll either be
the base color, or an interpolated color somewhere between base and
max, if the background color has a luminosity between the base and the
max), then doing interpolation normally?

This is fine, but as I said, *it might not be what you want*.  It
means that you're guaranteed to have a sensible way to interpret
0%-100%, but it also means that the 0% color might be *far away* from
the base color, leaving you with only a small range of colors near
white/black that can be used.  Maybe that's okay?  It's unfortunate,
though, that if the base color is an acceptable contrast level, it
won't get chosen in this circumstance.


Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2015 00:12:31 UTC