Re: [css-flexbox] Should "max-width" influence the resolved flex base size? (from default "flex-basis:auto;width:auto")

On 02/17/2015 08:28 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> Consider the following jsfiddle:
> QUESTION: What is the first flex item's "flex base size" -- is it 80px,
> or 500px? Specifically, does its "max-width" impact how its contents are
> measured, to establish its flex base size?

As noted elsewhere*, I discussed this issue with Tab/fantasai/Greg/Rossen today, and they confirmed that my understanding on this issue is correct (and the Chrome behavior on this jsfiddle is a bug).

The spec needs a tweak to clarify sections 9.3.3 D & E to make it clearer that the "lay out the item" steps there should *exclude* any clamping using the flex item's min/max size in the main axis.

I filed a Blink bug here:


(This issue is labeled "(2)" in that post.)

Received on Monday, 2 March 2015 20:58:50 UTC