Re: [css-variables] Why we can not use 'var()' function for normal property

02.06.2015, 20:56, "Boris Zbarsky" <>:
> On 6/2/15 1:37 PM, Marat Tanalin wrote:
>> šOn implementation level, _there is_ an evaluation order anyway.
> Are you sure? šWhy does there have to be? šAre you assuming non-parallel implementation?

Regardless of whether the implementation is parallel, there is some order in each case, for example:

    a: var(b);
    b: var(a);

If we need to get the value of the `a` property, then we should then access `b` property referenced with `var(b)`. So we have "a, b" order.

If we need to get the value of the `b` property, then we should then access `a` property referenced with `var(a)`. So we have "b, a" order.

Once the nesting-level limit achieved, evaluation is stopped, infinite loop is prevented, the performance-wise goal is achieved.

Received on Tuesday, 2 June 2015 18:15:10 UTC