RE: [css-2015] Snapshot prose, prefixing policy updated

> A) Split section 2 into one section that says under which circumstances you can release, and and another one which says how you release when you do, so that we can easily refer to this separate "how to release unstable features" section.

I sent this around internally and we are against a few things, first that this is being called a policy; we think this should be referred to as a suggestion. Second is that the W3C should not be determining how software gets released. I think you can accomplish this without getting into how software is shipped without knowing the various ways in which we ship them (which have flags, which don't, which can have dev releases, etc), we shouldn't even reference whether they're release or dev builds, that doesn't matter (which I think is what you're trying to solve).

Ultimately I think that this should be addressed at the TAG level and the CSSWG should just follow that process, but even then we don't necessarily think that the W3C should be determining this. It should be up to each vendor on how they experiment, and even then, certain features require certain stretching of those rules in order to fully test them.

---------- FROM HERE THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS ----------

Since we may be desiring to update our current standing of using prefixes, here is my suggestion:

"Vendors that are experimenting with new features are highly suggested to make it so that until the feature becomes stable on the standard track, authors should only be able to experiment with them (via prefixes, flags, or other opt in mechanism provided by the UA). If you feel that they are stable enough and wish for them to be utilized by authors as though they are standard then they should be un-prefixed."

This sums up either using flags, needing usage of proprietary API/JS (similar to our WinRT which has a lot of native functionality given via JS that is not standardized nor offered on the web but beneficial for native applications).



Received on Wednesday, 29 July 2015 16:34:04 UTC