[css3-tables][CSS22] Clarify if the extra space in fixed table layout is distributed equally or not

> CSS 2.2 does not define how
extra space is distributed when the 'height' property causes
> the table
to be taller than it otherwise would be.

And this one must be done equally (http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css2/tables.html#fixed-table-layout):
> Any remaining columns equally divide the remaining horizontal
  table space

However, here the spec does not say if it's defined or not (http://dev.w3..org/csswg/css2/tables.html#fixed-table-layout):
> If the table is wider than the columns, the extra space
should be distributed over the columns.

Since in the previous paragraph the distribution is done equally, I first assumed here it was done equally too.

But the spec doesn't say so. So I think it would be a good idea to specify it if it should be equally, or otherwise explicitly warn it's not defined..

– Oriol

Received on Friday, 3 July 2015 00:17:46 UTC