Re: [css3-tables][CSS22] Nested table cells with % widths hog space

> On 01 Jul 2015, at 12:22, Chris Rebert <> wrote:
> Hello,


> Given the obsolete status of the CSS3 Tables Module and the lack of an
> obviously table-related Component in the W3C CSS Bugzilla, what's
> currently the correct way to report spec issues regarding tables?

Sending a mail to this list is the correct way to report issues with
anything in CSS, and tagging the subject line with [css3-tables] and
[css21] or [css22] as you have done makes sure we'll find it whenever
someone actually starts working on that topic.

Unfortunately, when it comes to tables, "whenever someone actually
starts working on that topic", is probably not any time soon, unless
your issue is sufficiently isolated that we can treat it independenly.

> We at Bootstrap encountered an issue[0] related to the treatment of
> nested table cells with percentage widths in Blink[1] and
> WebKit[2][3], but as best we could tell there's a lack of specificity
> in the underlying applicable spec (CSS 2.1 ?) regarding the proper
> behavior in such cases.
> We're therefore hoping to file a bug (or whatever) to ensure that some
> future spec will nail down the behavior in this case.
> [0]:
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:

It would be nice if you could give an overview by mail of what's going
on in these links, and what your preferred solution would be (if any).

 - Florian

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2015 17:11:33 UTC