Re: [css-ruby] Default font-size of ruby annotation with ruby-position: inter-character

On 01/26/2015 06:41 PM, Xidorn Quan wrote:
> OK, then, let's add a keyword for 'font-size', say 'ruby-text', and make it be computed according to ruby-position. It is
> computed to 30% when ruby-position is inter-character, and 50% otherwise.
> I'm going to implement this, and WebKit has implemented a prefixed one called '-webkit-ruby-text'. (Though it uses 25% instead
> of 30%, and I have no idea why)

Ok, I'll bring this up for the next WG call. Maybe we can
get some answers out of the Webkit folks on why they used
25% vs. why CLReq uses 30%.


Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2015 01:11:37 UTC