Re: Shadow tree style isolation primitive

09.01.2015, 16:42, "Anne van Kesteren" <>:
> I'm wondering if it's feasible to provide developers with the
> primitive that the combination of Shadow DOM and CSS Scoping provides.
> Namely a way to isolate a subtree from selector matching (of document
> stylesheets, not necessarily user and user agent stylesheets) and
> requiring a special selector, such as >>>, to pierce through the
> boundary.

Sounds like a reasonable, and perhaps feasible thing to do, but the obvious question is "why?"

The use cases I can think of are to provide the sort of thing we do with BEM today. Is the effort worth it, or are there other things I didn't think of (quite likely, given I spent multiple seconds on the question)?



> This is a bit different from the `all` property as that just changes
> the values of all properties, it does not make a selector such as
> "div" no longer match.
> So to be clear, the idea is that if you have a tree such as
> šš<section class=example>
> šššš<h1>Example</h1>
> šššš<div> ... </div>
> šš</section>
> Then a simple div selector would not match the innermost div if we
> isolated the section. Instead you would have to use section >>> div or
> some such. Or perhaps associate a set of selectors and style
> declarations with that subtree in some manner.
> --

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Monday, 12 January 2015 12:13:34 UTC