[css-sizing][css-text][css-flexbox] True Shrinkwrapping

Ran into a couple cases where we have a problem.

<h1>Some Text Slightly Longer Than Containing Block</h1>

h1 {
   text-wrap: balance;
   max-width: <containing block width>;
   float: left;

Want this thing to wrap, then balance, then shrinkwrap and float.
Currently not possible because shrinkwrap formula will set the
width to the containing block size.

Similar issue with flexbox

container {
   display: flex; flex-flow: wrap;
   contents: <lots of identically-sized images>;
   width: shrinkwrap;
   margin: auto;

Want this photo gallery to wrap all the images into multiple
rows (last line left-aligned) then shrinkwrap around its
contents and center itself. Not possible either.

I think these things should be possible. Thoughts?


Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 01:15:58 UTC