Re: [css-variables] The variable syntax - How about not using var() ?

On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Praveen Puglia <> wrote:
> What about not using var() at all?
> As far as I can say( and that's not too far ) I don't see a problem in using
> --variableName in RHS and getting it's value evaluated. If it's on L.H.S it
> just assigns whatever is on the R.H.S.
> Example -
> :root {
>     --primaryColor : blue; /* Assignment/Storage*/
> }
> a {
>     color : --primaryColor; /* Evaluation */
> }
> Other cases are I think ruled out via this example -
> Would the parsing lead to ambiguous situations? If so, can you please
> provide an example so I can understand it better. Again, I am a noob.

>From the perspective of spec, "--primaryColor" is just an
<ident-token> [1], it doesn't make sense to transform a token when
parsing CSS.

Also it could lead to ambiguous, since there are several properties
accept a <custom-ident> [2] as part of their value [3][4], which, in
theory, could be "--" prefixed. (I even thought we should require
<custom-ident> in author style sheets to be prefixed with "--" so that
we wouldn't ever break the forward compatibility of those properties.)


- Xidorn

Received on Friday, 25 December 2015 06:04:29 UTC