Re: CSS3 background animation suggestions

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 5:56 AM, Alexey Solovey <> wrote:
> I suggest change behaviour in CSS3 animations.
> @keyframes something {
>   0% { background-index: 0; background-position; 0px 0px; }
>   100% { background-index: 0; background-position; 100px 0px; }
> }
> #element {
>   background: "one", "two"...
>   animation: ... something...
> }
> In result should change background only by zero index. Also few animations
> can be combined.
> background-index - should be CSS3 animation only feature.

The issue of "I only want to change one of these layers" applies to a
lot of properties in CSS, and we definitely need to address it.  The
plan is probably something like "background-position-1" longhands that
target only one layer from a list-valued property.  That way it's
usable in animations, but also in normal CSS.

There hasn't been any concrete work done on this yet, but I expect to
address it at some point in the nearish future.


Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2015 20:48:28 UTC