Re: [mediaqueries] Add epub/page to media queries list?


Yes, the content table is definitely one of them and navigation document (TOC) is a required component in epub3 (
And it’s a very important UI part  in ebook system (you can see<> and click the list icon to turn on/off the TOC list).

Lemme also find some other use cases.



2015/12/15 0:42、Florian Rivoal <<>> のメール:

On Dec 15, 2015, at 08:04, Tab Atkins Jr. <<>> wrote:

On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 10:19 AM, Zheng Xu <<>> wrote:
I am wondering are we able to add epub/page to media queries list?

I have read mediaquies-4 but can not find any of them is proper for a
displaying(on screen, not printer) paginate media

The requirement is because
1. dynamic: it’s for displaying on screen, not printer, such as epub reading
system (RS) which is based on web browser rendering engine. So, javascript,
animation should can work on this media type.
2. pagination: it still needs a paginated layout to enable like
break-before/after on screen, instead of printer preview.
3. some css might be more proper for continues displaying not paged media.

Just a rough idea, welcome advice, questions, or concerns.

"Media types", like "print" or "screen", are deprecated - for several
technical reasons, they're badly designed and won't be added to.
However, we have several media queries that help you handle epub

* (overflow-block: paged) which is true for paged epub books
* (update-frequency: slow) or (update-frequency: normal) for whether
the page is fully, normally updateable (like an LCD screen) or slow to
update (like eink)
* (scripting) which is true if you can run script
* (monochrome) for things like monochrome eink

Which media features you want to use depends on what you're doing, of course.


It is entirely possible that we need to add more media features to distinguish between different reading environments, but these need to be well supported by use cases.

In the DPUB IG, we've briefly discussed that a possible addition would let you detect wether you're on a reading device that presents a table of content as part of the UI or not, like epub readers often do. Presumably, if the answer is yes, then some authors might want to display:none the table of content in the document itself.

This hasn't been fully explored yet, and there seems to be subtleties such as:

* Does the reader always generate a TOC (epub), or only if the gcpm bookmark properties are used to mark the outline?

* Is the TOC-in-the-UI major part of the UI that users will for sure see (epub readers), or some side feature they might not know about (like the "info" panel in opera desktop 12)

See here for a similar discussion on the DPUB IG's mailing list:

- Florian

Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2015 23:20:54 UTC