Re: [css-writing-modes] 5 small issues

It's probably too late and might not be very useful to answer, but anyway:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 6:33 AM, Gérard Talbot <>

> Koji, Elika,
> 4 small issues.
> 1-
> 3.1. Block Flow Direction: the writing-mode property
> Figure 9. Example of horizontal list markers in a vertical list
> Example 5 in
> If you redo this example, please use a font-size of 16px, not 14px.
> 2-
> 3.1. Block Flow Direction: the writing-mode property
> The code for Example 5 now generates an horizontal scrollbar
> <pre>::marker { writing-mode: horizontal-tb;            vertical-align:
> text-top;
>             color: blue; }</pre>
> probably should be
> <pre>::marker { writing-mode: horizontal-tb;
>                 vertical-align: text-top;
>                 color: blue; }</pre>

Allowing writing-mode in ::marker was cut, so this example is gone now.

> 3-
> 7.4. Flow-Relative Mappings
> "
> within its containing block (float, clear, top, bottom, left, right) For
> inline-level boxes,
> "
> There should be a period (".") between ")" and "For".

Fixed, thank you.

> 7.3.2. Auto-sizing Block Containers in Orthogonal Flows
> I am under the impression that section 7.3.2 is only and strictly about
> multi-column elements and not block containers. So, should it be renamed
> "Auto-sizing multi-column containers in Orthogonal Flows" ?

You probably have figured this out by now, but this is about block
container could trigger multi-column automatically. In the last F2F,
consensus was to mark at risk, so did in the spec.

> Since a gradient orange arrow has been used before to indicate inline base
> direction, I wonder - for consistency reasons - if it would not be better
> (for learning and understanding purposes) to reuse such gradient orange
> arrow everywhere an example is shown (example 3 in Section 3.1, examples in
> Section 7.3.x). This would be more work for sure. The black arrow in
> example 3 of section 3.1 would be replaced with a gradient green large
> arrow. Again, this would mean more work but it would be reusing
> consistently the gradient colored arrows in Figures 1, 2 and 3.
> Anyway... this is just an idea.

Forgive me not to be able to spend much efforts in making graphics better...


Received on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 11:57:06 UTC