Re: Difference between background-position and background-origin.

On 08/14/2015 07:01 PM, Simon Fraser wrote:
> It’s a shame that background-origin was so-named. An origin is a point,
> but background-origin is about which area to use. Perhaps background-area
> or background-box would have been better names.

We asked for better names multiple times, and nobody suggested any. :(

One problem with background-area and background-box, btw, is that we also
have the background-clip property which is also a kind of background area/box.

> Perhaps we could alias this property to a new one with a less confusing name?

I think at this point it's too late to be worth bothering with. If it was
really super messed up and we had a much better alternative (like word-wrap,
which we renamed to overflow-wrap), it might be worth it. But I think it's
not too terrible.


Received on Saturday, 15 August 2015 16:33:59 UTC