Re: [css-font-loading] maintaining invariants of a FontFaceSet’s set entries

Tab Atkins Jr.:
> > 3. Similarly, FontFaceSet.delete() used to throw when trying to remove a
> > CSS-connected FontFace.  Whether an exception is thrown or the request
> > is ignored, I don’t particularly mind.  Ignoring the request is probably
> > implied by the requirement to keep all CSS-connected FontFaces in there
> > by §4.2, but should be made explicit somewhere.  That would be
> > consistent with having clear() not throw because it is attempting to
> > remove the CSS-connected entries, too.
> Done, it's specced as a no-op.

We need to specify the return value from delete.  Since
Set.prototype.delete never fails to delete an item that is in the Set,
we don’t have a precedent for whether it should return false or true.
But I think false makes sense.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Thursday, 9 April 2015 04:46:21 UTC