Re: [css-font-loading] src parsing of FontFace constructor

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 11:42 PM, John Daggett <> wrote:
> We've been working on writing testcases for the Gecko implementation of
> the CSS Font Loading spec and I think we should simplify the handling of
> parse errors in the FontFace constructor.
> The current spec definition of the FontFace constructor takes three
> parameters, the family name, the source, and an optional dictionary of
> descriptors:
>   var f = new FontFace("test", "url(test.woff)", { weight: "bold" });
>   // errors
>   var f1 = new FontFace("x,y", "url(x)"); // invalid family name
>   var f2 = new FontFace("test", "x");     // invalid src argument
> The error handling of these two constructor calls is different. For
> invalid family names and descriptors, the parse is rejected but a
> FontFace object is returned with invalid values set to the empty string
> and status set to "error".
> But for invalid src values, there's a more complicated sequence of steps
> that occur, such that the status of the returned FontFace starts as
> "unloaded" and then to switches to "error".  The spec states:
>   If it fails to parse correctly, queue a task to set font face’s
>   status attribute to "error" and reject font face’s
>   [[FontStatusPromise]] with a DOMException named "SyntaxError"
>   exception, and abort these steps.
> I think it's much simpler to handle the src argument, when it's a
> DOMSstring, just as the family and descriptors arguments are handled --
> parse the string and immediately set the status to "error" if a parse
> error occurs. This is better for authors and eliminates an extra, odd
> set of state changes for implementations.
> Suggested spec change --
> Old wording ======================
> 1. Let font face be a fresh FontFace object. Set font face’s status
>    attribute to   "unloaded", Set its internal [[FontStatusPromise]]
>    slot to a fresh pending Promise object.
>    Parse the family argument, and the members of the descriptors
>    argument, according to the grammars of the corresponding descriptors
>    of the CSS @font-face rule. If any of them fail to parse correctly,
>    reject font face’s [[FontStatusPromise]] with a DOMException named
>    "SyntaxError", set font face’s corresponding attributes to the empty
>    string, and set font face’s status attribute to "error". Otherwise,
>    set font face’s corresponding attributes to the serialization of the
>    parsed values.
>    Return font face. If font face’s status is "error", terminate this
>    algorithm; otherwise, complete the rest of these steps asynchronously.
> 2. If the source argument was a DOMString, parse it according to the
>    grammar of the src descriptor of the CSS @font-face rule. If it fails
>    to parse correctly, queue a task to set font face’s status attribute
>    to "error" and reject font face’s [[FontStatusPromise]] with a
>    DOMException named "SyntaxError" exception, and abort these steps;
>    otherwise, set font face’s internal [[Urls]] slot to the string.
>    If the source argument was a BinaryData, set font face’s internal
>    [[Data]] slot to the passed argument.
> New wording ======================
> 1. Let font face be a fresh FontFace object. Set font face’s status
>    attribute to   "unloaded", Set its internal [[FontStatusPromise]]
>    slot to a fresh pending Promise object.
>    Parse the family argument, and the members of the descriptors
>    argument, according to the grammars of the corresponding descriptors
>    of the CSS @font-face rule. If any of them fail to parse correctly,
>    reject font face’s [[FontStatusPromise]] with a DOMException named
>    "SyntaxError", set font face’s corresponding attributes to the empty
>    string, and set font face’s status attribute to "error". Otherwise,
>    set font face’s corresponding attributes to the serialization of the
>    parsed values.
>    If the source argument was a DOMString, parse it according to the
>    grammar of the src descriptor of the CSS @font-face rule. If it fails
>    to parse correctly, set font face’s status attribute to "error" and
>    reject font face’s [[FontStatusPromise]] with a DOMException named
>    "SyntaxError" exception; otherwise, set font face’s internal [[Urls]]
>    slot to the string.
>    Return font face. If font face’s status is "error", terminate this
>    algorithm; otherwise, complete the rest of these steps asynchronously.
> 2. If the source argument was a BinaryData, set font face’s internal
>    [[Data]] slot to the passed argument.

I'm okay with this.  Fixed.


Received on Thursday, 9 April 2015 00:53:46 UTC