RE: [css-grid] Flexible Track Sizing & Indefinite Avail Size

>> # The used flex fraction is the maximum of:
>> # - Each flexible track’s base size divided by its flex factor.
>> Why?
> Because it's a very direct translation of what Flexbox
> does, and so seems to make sense?  What confuses
> you about it?

I don't see how this is similar to what is defined about flexboxes, but maybe I'm just too unfamiliar with it. I never played with the basis size very much.

Just to confirm, let's take an example: If, out of two columns in a grid with no child item, I specify a minimum width for the first column to be 100px, but say that it should take 10% of the free space (i.e. minmax(100px, 1fr)) while the other one gets the remaining 90% (9fr) of the free space.

Under a size constraint, there are two possible behaviors for this grid: if its size is less than 1000px, it will work like (100px 1fr), in the other cases, it will work like (1fr 9fr). 

When I position this grid absolutely, I don't expect it to reach a width of 1000px (=1*100px+9*100px since 1fr=max(100px/1, 0px/9)), but I would rather see it stay at 100px and let the value of 1fr be 0px (this is the smallest fraction that satisfies all max-content constraints).

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2014 21:23:20 UTC