Re: [css-flexbox][css-align] Should a flex container's "overflow directions" be established by its main/cross axes? (instead of its block/inline directions)

On 08/18/2014 08:43 PM, fantasai wrote:
> I don't think we want to change the overflow direction based on
> flex-direction, actually. I think we want to change the overflow
> direction based on the scroller's content alignment direction
> (align-content, justify-content). This will result in the same
> thing in the default alignments, but in cases where the alignment
> is different, it'll still scroll towards overflowing content. And
> that will work in non-flexbox situations as well.

Just to follow up on this, the WG resolved to accept this definition,
and it is now hosted in the Box Alignment spec:


Received on Sunday, 14 September 2014 19:13:25 UTC