Re: [selectors] Any benefit of [att|="val"] over [att="val"], [att^="val-"]

On 03/09/2014 09:27, James Craig wrote:
> What's the benefit of this very specific and seemingly limited [att|=val] selector:
> 	[lang|="en"] { /* properties */ }
> Over this combination of more extensible selectors?
> 	[lang="en"], [lang^="en-"] { /* properties */ }
> If there is no real benefit, should it be dropped from the selectors module? If there is a benefit, please consider adding a note to the draft explaining the benefit.

The |= attribute selector predates the ^= one. It was already
included in CSS 2.0 released in may 1998 [1]; I introduced the
^= attribute selector in a draft of Selectors 3 only in october
2000 [2]...



Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2014 08:41:36 UTC