Re: [css-sizing] Indefinite margins and padding

On 08/10/14 00:49, Simon Sapin wrote:
> says:
>> If the computed inline-size of a block-level box is min-content,
>> max-content, or a definite size, its min-content inline-size
>> contribution is that size plus any inline-axis margin, border, and
>> padding.> Otherwise, if the computed inline-size of the block is
>> fit-content, auto, or fill, its min-content inline-size contribution
>> is its min-content inline-size plus any inline-axis margin, border,
>> and padding.
> How does that work if a margin or padding is not definite? (I.e. a
> percentage or 'auto'.) The Sizing draft doesn’t say as far as I can tell.
> I seem to remember "resolve to zero" is the answer, but I can’t find
> where this is defined.

Err, with the right subject this time.

Simon Sapin

Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2014 23:55:33 UTC