Re: Implementation feedback for :nth-child(An+B of selector)

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Benjamin Poulain <> wrote:
> I’ll update the implementation this week. Can you please update the
> definition?

Already done.

> I’ll create a WebKIt specific extensions for the use cases that are no
> longer covered.

Please don't do this.  If this is something that you have use-cases
for (actual customers for this kind of API), then please start a
thread here so we can discuss the feature and define it properly.

>> That's already implied by the grammar.  The prose is not providing an
>> exception to the grammar, it's specifying the default behavior when
>> you (validly) omit sel, which you can only do if you also omit "of”.
> Can you please point me toward the formal grammar or parsing algorithm? I
> could not find anything precise.

The grammar for the pseudo-class is in the spec.  The parsing
algorithm for CSS is defined in the Syntax spec


Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2014 19:10:56 UTC