Re: [cssom] Remove setPropertyValue and setPropertyPriority?

On Thursday, October 2, 2014, Peter Sloetjes <> wrote:

> On 02/10/2014 10:03, Simon Pieters wrote:>   > Since setPropertyValue and
> setPropertyPriority were added as a compromise > solution when the behavior
> of setProperty was discussed last year[1], and > setProperty has now
> changed to match Firefox[2], should we remove > setPropertyValue and
> setPropertyPriority?

The main reason for the change was that = 'green'; is
equivalent to'color','green',''); and we wanted
to avoid a noop there.

>  I think they haven't been > implemented anywhere. The current resolution
> for setProperty is fine, but it does not make "s.setPropertyValue(p,v)"
> less useful as a shorthand for
> "s.setProperty(p,v,s.getPropertyPriority(p))".

Right. setProperty for when you want to change both at the same time, the
others when you want to change just one.

There is utility there, but I don't know if it's enough to warrant two
methods that no one has implemented. Are there bugs filed asking for this

>  Adding the proposed functions makes the interface more symmetric,

Agreed, but unnecessary API surface isn't great either.

> easier to use and probably slightly faster in the relevant use cases.
> Peter J. Sloetjes Firefox add-on developer

Mike Sherov

Received on Friday, 3 October 2014 11:08:08 UTC