Re: [css-line-grid][css-books] one property or more?

On 10/1/14, 9:48 AM, "Håkon Wium Lie" <> wrote:
>In this message:

>I argued for solving common use cases with only one property. Is
>this possible in CSS-line-grid? I don't know. The draft doesn't have
>any code examples. I think it should have some motivational code
>examples for common use cases on all properties.
>I suggest this as the first used case: align all content on a baseline
>grid, except images and figures. in CSS Books I would write:
>   body { baseline-grid: new }
>   img, figure { baseline-grid: none }
>In CSS Line-grid, I think you would write:
>   body { 
>     line-grid: create;
>     line-snap: baseline;
>   }
>   img, figure { line-snap: none }
>Is this correct?
>If so, I think the draft can be further simplified -- you can reduce
>the number of properties needed from two to one if you combine the
>task of defining and engaging a line grid. These are almost always
>done as one operation, and I don't see a strong use case for being
>able to define a baseline grid without engaging it?

My strong preference is to have line snapping be an opt-in property. One
very common use case (shown in the examples I’ve added) is to only have
body text snap to the grid and not headings. So an opt-out strategy would
start to look like this:

body { baseline-grid: new }
img, figure, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, nav, etc. { baseline-grid: none }

And the opt-in version would be:

body { line-grid: create }
p { line-snap: baseline }



Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2014 19:38:36 UTC