Re: [css-ui] converting to bikeshed

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Florian Rivoal <> wrote:
> Hi Tantek,
> Before I push the commit that converts the source of css3-ui to bikeshed, there’s 3 points I’d like to clarify with you:
> 1) Your “Editor:” line uses a pattern not supported by Bikeshed, due to mentioning both Mozilla and (formerly) Microsoft as your affiliations. Do you prefer that I:
>  a - simplify it to only mention the current one (Mozilla), and let bikeshed generate the markup
> or
>  b - work around bikeshed, and manually include the full markup of your attribution, while silencing bikeshed’s generation of the Editor section

In particular, Bikeshed's native Editor metadata support allows for
*one* affiliation.  Previous affiliations are rarely useful, so I
don't go out of my way to support it, and don't plan to.  (In the
past, other editors who changed companies just updated their
affiliation in their specs.)


Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2014 21:38:51 UTC