Re: [css-pseudo] please make sure pseudo-element "alt" property makes it into next ED

> On Nov 5, 2014, at 5:29 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> In HTML, the alt attribute works literally by subbing the text in for
> the image.  

That's how the plain text pasteboard works, but not the screen readers.

> There's no difference, to a screen reader, between "<img
> alt=new> <img alt=warning>" and "new warning".

That's not right. These are image objects in the accessibility tree with url and label values. Depending on user settings, they be spoken a number of ways. Usual defaults are to speak a role description along with the alt, and potentially a braille shorthand.

So this markup and style:

    <img alt="bar" src="bar.png">
    <img alt="baz" src="baz.png">

  div::before { content: "foo"; }
  div::after { content: "bop"; }

Could be spoken be a screen reader as:

  "'new', image."
  "'warning', image."

The accessibility hierarchy would look something like this:

    - text node { value: "foo" }
    - image { label: "bar", url: "./path/bar.png" }
    - image { label: "baz", url: "./path/baz.png" }
    - text node { value: "bop" }

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 22:00:01 UTC