Re: [css-variables] ...let's change the syntax

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Kornel Lesiński <> wrote:
> I wonder whether custom properties looking almost like 1st-class properties will encourage authors to use them beyond CSS var() and polyfills, and instead invent their own JS-based layout engines, e.g.
> .gallery {
>     masonry_display: jagged_grid;
> }
> I'm not sure whether that's awesome or terrible :)

That is *explicitly* a use-case for custom properties.  If we never
allow authors to do things like this, we'll be forever stuck having to
grow CSS ourselves, rather than allowing authors to design their own
extensions.  Experience in pretty much every language ever shows that
it's a lot better for the standards body to come along afterwards and
pick the winners than to reserve all of the development power solely
for themselves.  ^_^


Received on Saturday, 15 March 2014 16:32:32 UTC