Re: [cssom] CSSNamespaceRule

On 11/03/2014 16:12, Simon Sapin wrote:

> My understanding is that the rationale for [1] and [2] is the same: make
> sure that the mapping of namespace prefixes to namespace URLs does not
> change while any rule based on it exists.

Yeah well, I just don't understand this. Current status is a blocker to 

> Any change to @namespace rules also changes the meaning of other rules.
> Implementations would have to go and re-parse (or at least re-compile)
> Selectors in the rest of the stylesheet.

Ditch all styles, recompute everything. Expensive in terms of perf,
rare outside of editors but crucial to them, probably quite simple to
add to the rendering engine in just a few lines.

As is, namespace rules are not modifyable at all in the OM if the 
stylesheet contains a style rule. I am objecting to this.


Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2014 15:54:27 UTC