Re: [css-flexbox] min-width/height: min-content defaults for replaced items and overflow containers

On 06/30/2014 10:38 AM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> Based on that assumption, I think we could perhaps more narrowly scope
> the new min-width:auto behavior to address this use case case. In
> particular: instead of making min-width/min-height:auto pull from the
> computed width/height, we could instead make it pull from the computed
> "flex-basis", **when computed flex-basis is auto**.

Sorry, minor correction: I meant to say:
   ...we could instead make it pull from the *used* "flex-basis",
  **when computed flex-basis is auto**.

(the change there is: s/pull from the computed/pull from the used/ --
it's clearly not useful to pull from the *computed* flex-basis, since
that would just pull in the value "auto" which wouldn't provide any
information. :))


Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 23:25:43 UTC