Re: [css-grid][css-syntax] Usage of lone parentheses across CSS?

On 26/06/14 21:06, François REMY wrote:
> I understand. I'm just wondering whether or not we should save "(...)"
> for a yet-to-be-defined more iconical usage instead. Putting things
> between parentheses usually carry some grouping semantic that is not
> present here.

Just in case you're missing it, you can set different names to the same
line, so you use the parenthesis to group the names of the lines.

One example from the spec:
    grid-template-columns: (first nav) 150px (main) 1fr (last);

The first line can be referenced either by 1, first or nav.

My 2 cents,

Received on Thursday, 26 June 2014 19:51:47 UTC