Re: [CSS2.1] Interop Issue in regards to fixed/absolute positioned children inside of inline-relative containers

On 29/07/2014 12:25 PM, Alan Gresley wrote:

> I would agree with this. The rel. pos. inline parent should be offset
> by left:100px (moving the bounding box, the vertical offset is not
> important)

But there is a bug also in Firefox 31 with vertical offset.

> but it appears that Firefox 31 considers the static
> position of the abs. pos. child with auto offsets without considering
> the offset of of the rel. pos. inline parent.

> There are two test cases. The basic one (the former which Chrome
> fails) and the one based on Boris Zbarsky's test case (the latter
> which Firefox and Chrome fails in different ways).

Here is a test case for the vertical offset also seen in Boris Zbarsky's 
test case which Firefox fails.

Received on Tuesday, 29 July 2014 10:03:55 UTC