Re: [CSS2.1] Interop Issue in regards to fixed/absolute positioned children inside of inline-relative containers

> On 29/07/2014 2:32 AM, Gérard Talbot wrote:> Le 2014-07-27 21:34,

>> Okay. Things are clear in my mind now.
>> So, in
>> the middle gray rectangle (auto offsets and relative) should display
>> identically to the topmost gray rectangle (static). Chrome 36 appears
>> to have a bug here.
>> And in Boris' example
>> the top gray rectangle (abs. pos. children with auto offsets inside
>> rel. pos. inline with non-auto offsets) should be displayed
>> identically to the bottom gray rectangle (static pos. children inside
>> rel. pos. inline with non-auto offsets). Firefox 31 appears to have a
>> bug here.

I would agree with this. The rel. pos. inline parent should be offset by 
left:100px (moving the bounding box, the vertical offset is not 
important) but it appears that Firefox 31 considers the static position 
of the abs. pos. child with auto offsets without considering the offset 
of of the rel. pos. inline parent.

On 29/07/2014 8:23 AM, Greg Whitworth wrote:
> On 29/07/2014 2:32 AM, Gérard Talbot wrote:> Le 2014-07-27 21:34,
>> Those are rather complex tests, complex code situations, scenarios.
>> For several reasons, these tests would need to be broken into
>> smaller tests before submitting them to CSS2.1 test suite.
>> Then, static cases could and should be used as reference file.

Please see the later test 
abs-pos-child-inside-rel-pos-inline-offset-001.html (the latter test 
case). If the abs. pos. child is given a static position, Firefox 31, 
Chrome 36 and IE11 all show the same so static cases can not be used as 
a reference file.

>> Since the expected results are known (static cases), then I believe
>> we do not absolutely need to resort to Ahem font... but it would
>> not be a mistake to resort to Ahem font.
>> Gérard
> Ok, then I'll file the bug on Blink regarding the case on blue box
> and will follow up with you guys regarding the green box. Alan, can
> you update your test case to state that you shouldn't see any red for
> the test to pass.
> Thanks!
> Greg

There are two test cases. The basic one (the former which Chrome fails) 
and the one based on Boris Zbarsky's test case (the latter which Firefox 
and Chrome fails in different ways).


Received on Tuesday, 29 July 2014 02:25:30 UTC