Re: [css-transforms] Making 'transform' match author expectations better with specialized 'rotate'/etc shorthands

> On 16 Jul 2014, at 7:32 pm, Shane Stephens <> wrote:
> > Yes, order matters when you need the transforms to interact.  When you
> > don't (when they're all "local"), there's one specific order that does
> > what you want.
> “local” seems to be confusing here. All transformations are local for an element and take affect on rendering into the parents graphics context.
> Yeah, local is confusing - all transforms act locally. I think what Tab means is that there's one specific order for which transforms appear to act globally as well.

I don't think they appear to act globally. I think you're making a simplification that could cause people to make dangerous assumptions, kind of like telling someone that they can learn how to multiply a number by 11 by simply repeating it. 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 1010, 1111... The simplification works up to a point but then fails.

I expect this is why people don't teach linear algebra in the manner you explained. 

> Say I have an element {top: 0px, left: 0px}, which I want to:
>  * move by 500px in x and 200px in y
>  * rotate by 25 degrees; and
>  * scale by 1.2 in x and 1.1 in y

Let's make the example more simple. Let's say I have a 100x100 square:
* move by 200px in x and 200px in y
* rotate by 45 degrees; and
* scale by 2 in x and 1 in y

Should authors expect to see a 200x100 rectangle rotated 45deg? It turns out the result is a diamond. (Of course, I applied the transforms in the order you specify below, not the order in which you described them above. If I'd done them in the order you describe above, I would get a 200x100 rectangle rotated 45 degrees... because order matters :)

Since you list rotation first below, you seem to value that. Is the element globally rotated by 45deg if we apply your rules? It doesn't look that way, since it is a diamond.

> Regardless of the order in which I apply these operations, the element is always locally moved, rotated and scaled - that is, according to the element's local coordinate system (which changes with respect to the global coordinate system) the operations are a translate(500px, 200px), a rotate(25deg), and a scale(1.2, 1.1) regardless of the order in which they're applied.
> Of course, globally, it's a different story. Mostly the element is not translated globally by 500px, 200px, is not rotated by 25 degrees, or is not scaled in x and y by 1.2 and 1.1 respectively. For example:
> rotate(25deg) scale(1.2, 1.1) translate(500px, 200px)
> Globally, this is rotated by about 27 degrees. It's also significantly skewed, and it's translated in both x and y by about 450px.
> However, there is one ordering for which the local transformations produce matching global transformations:
> translate(500px, 200px) scale(1.2, 1.1) rotate(25deg)
> Globally, this is at position (500px, 200px) (well almost. Technically the origin has moved by this much). It's scaled by 1.2 in x and 1.1 in y, and it's rotated against the global x and y coordinate system by 25 degrees.

This is subjective. It's a skewed rectangle, so it's difficult to see what the "global" rotation is, but if you try to make the top and bottom edges parallel with the X axis, you need something more like 23deg, and if you want to make the left and right edges parallel with the Y axis you need about 27deg. Let's go back to my example, which has exaggerated values to make it more obvious. However, let's throw out the translate since it confuses things and doesn't change my point.

100x100 square, with translate(0px, 0px) scale(2, 1) rotate(45deg)

Under your explanation that should have a global rotation of 45deg. So if you undo that "global" rotation, you should end up with something aligned to the X,Y axes right?

<div style="transform: rotate(-45deg)">
  <div style="transform: scale(2, 1) rotate(45deg)">

Except you don't. You don't get anything near it. You get two opposite corners that are in the original location, but a skewed rectangle that is still pointing off at 45deg.

It turns out in this case it is the "global" scale you can undo. But that's only because that's how transform ordering works.

<div style="transform: scale(0.5, 1)">
  <div style="transform: scale(2, 1) rotate(45deg)">

Thinking in terms of global transformations sounds like a good idea, but it isn't. You really should think in terms of a list of local transformations. I'm sorry that it is more difficult.

So I'm slightly worried that you were explaining this concept of global transformations matching local transformations, but assuming everyone would agree with your subjective choice.

And saying these new properties are independent leads to describing why this doesn't work:

<div style="rotation: -45deg">
  <div style="rotation: 45deg; scale: 2, 1;">  <!-- equivalent to scale(2,1) rotate(45deg) according to your ordering -->

After all, if rotation is truly independent, why can't I undo it like that? Answer: it's not independent.


> This ordering is clearly special, and clearly has strong advantages for the purposes of individual rotate, translate and scale properties - the result of setting these properties will always match across a global and a local coordinate system. Essentially, we want people to be able to specify:
> {
>   translation: 500px 200px;
>   rotation: 25deg;
>   scale: 1.2 1.1;
> }
> and have it Just Work.
> I think what you meant to say is (correct me if I am wrong) that authors most likely just will use one of the transform properties: Either rotate, or translate, or scale or transform. And therefore you just want to have a sane fallback if an author uses them in combination.
> That isn't what we are trying to say. We want beginner authors to be able to naively specify translations, rotations and scales as if they were global, and to have them do what they almost certainly wanted them to; but we want more advanced authors to be able to use the transform property and control the ordering of transform components as well.
> A handy bonus is that having separate translation: rotation: and scale: properties means it's easy to animate these channels independently of each other, without resorting to additive animation.
> Cheers,
>     -Shane

Received on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 11:40:03 UTC