Re: [css3-ruby] Wording Bug in Anonymous Box Generation Section

On 06/25/2014 02:59 PM, Susanna Bowen wrote:
> Part 3 of the numbered list in section 2.2 of the new spec
> for CSS Ruby seems to have a small bug in the wording. I
> believe it means something to the effect: "Within each ruby
> base container, each sequence of inline-level boxes between
> explicit ruby base boxes is wrapped in an anonymous ruby
> base box." Probably the wording could still be better than
> that, but right now it seems to imply everything inside a
> ruby base container should be wrapped in a ruby base box--
>since as of step 1 all blocks are changed to inline and ruby
> base boxes themselves are considered inline.
> Could this be cleared up, please?

Okay, I've clarified that step to say it doesn't include any
internal ruby box types.

I'm still unsure as to whether such types are inline-level
or not. They do participate in the inline formatting context,
but they also have ruby-specific layout roles to play. So
I've marked that point as an issue in the spec.


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 13:57:45 UTC