Re: [css-gcpm][css-figures] float-offset & line rhythms

On Jan 25, 2014, at 8:51 PM, "Cramer, Dave" <> wrote:

>> Note, I'd expect marginalia, initial caps, figure boxes etc. also to
>> align to the baseline grid - and, if appropriate, running headers and
>> footers.
> Yes. Initial caps are a particular problem in CSS, which I believe should
> be addressed, but that's another topic.

I think it would still fit in with this idea. Floated elements still have a baseline, so ideally it should still align with the other lines in the parent block. It should automatically move downward until it finds a baseline to align with in its parent block (I think I'd do the same with table cell contents if there is a block ancestor with a non-'auto' 'linespacing' value). Then if you wanted to move it up a line or two, you could use relative positioning, negative margin, or translate() to move it vertically from where 'linespacing' would put it (a line height unit would be useful here). Positioning and margin and transforms (and vertical-align on inline elements) should be allowed to break the rhythm, if the author desired, by nudging it away from the baseline in arbitrary amounts.

Received on Sunday, 26 January 2014 05:45:35 UTC