Re: [css3-box][css3-content] display

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Jens O. Meiert <> wrote:
>> Neither of those specs are active modules.  Content, at least, has an
>> obsoletion notice (well, on its ED; don't look at /TR until they start
>> letting us put EDs on there).
> Is there a (more effective) way to mark drafts as
> inactive/outdated/obsolete? As this looks like something the W3C could
> generally have an interest in for spec management purposes, is this on
> anyone’s agenda there?

Ugh, it's just troublesome to push updates to /TR space unless we're
actually doing something worthwhile.  There *are* efforts to make this
easier (allowing /TR to point to the ED instead), but they haven't
born fruit yet.  (Tantalizingly close, though!)

> For CSS and out of curiosity, who’s tracking all of this, is that you,
> or a shared responsibility among working group members?



Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2014 02:21:04 UTC