Re: [css-background] Animating border-position

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 1:36 PM, Bear Travis <> wrote:
> How should the values from getComputedStyle serialize? It worries me a
> little to think that animations and getComputedStyle would use different
> values.

Computed values have nothing to do with serialization.  Serializing
just takes a value (which can be at *any* value stage) and returns a
string holding a declared value which will have the same result.

> If we were to serialize the above value, would it serialize as calcs all
> the time?
> "top calc(50% + 0px) left calc(100% - 20px)"
> Or only where both a length and a percentage exist?
> "top 50% left calc(100% - 20px)"

Currently undefined, but the obviously correct answer is to only use
calc()s when necessary.  *Any* value in CSS might be a calc(); that
doesn't imply that they all have to serialize as calc()s.


Received on Monday, 6 January 2014 21:59:38 UTC