Re: [css-grid] Does <custom-ident> in grid-template-rows/grid-template-columns exclude auto/minmax/subgrid?

On 02/25/2014 05:51 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> Hi www-style,
> Question: Should "minmax", "auto", and "subgrid" be accepted as valid
> <custom-ident> values, in the <line-names> list for the
> grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows properties?


> I think the spec currently implies that they should *not* be accepted,
> but I want to make sure (because there actually wouldn't be any
> ambiguity in parsing these properties if we did accept them, since
> they'd be occurring inside of a parenthesized custom-ident-only list,
> separate from where we parse the special minmax/auto/subgrid keywords).

Your reading was correct, but later discussion has been leaning
towards letting <custom-ident> accept anything that isn't a global
identifier and isn't flat-out parsing-ambiguous.

(We've updated the Values and Units spec, and will hopefully finalize
the exact rules sometime in January.)


Received on Friday, 19 December 2014 20:28:22 UTC