Re: [css-animations] findRule/deleteRule key argument

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Dean Jackson <> wrote:
>> On 9 Dec 2014, at 10:08 am, Sylvain Galineau <> wrote:
>> Per a recent resolution of this bug [1], I have started describing browser
>> behavior after running some simple tests [2]. In particular:
>> - The key argument is really a keyframe selector.
>> - A keyframe selector is a list of one or more values each of which is
>> either a percentage or one of ‘from’/‘to’.
>> Couple of issues:
>> - Some browsers are white-space sensitive. I do not think that should be
>> the case. Specifically, WebKit/Blink fail to find/delete the ’25%,50%’
>> rule in the test if a space is added somewhere.
> I agree that they should not be sensitive to whitespace. I consider that
> a bug in WebKit.
> What about order though? Would "50%,25%" match "25%,50%"?
> Also, should "0%" match "from"?

In an ideal world, yes.  However, we agreed at the last f2f to instead
focus on speccing interoperable behavior, then throwing it all under a
deprecated bus and putting together a real API that doesn't suck.  So
the answer to those questions is "whatever the majority does and isn't
completely insane".

>> - Second, we need to agree on which rule gets returned/deleted when
>> multiple rules have the same keyframe selector. Currently, WebKit/Blink
>> return the first rule with a matching keyframe selector. Win10 IE and
>> Firefox return the last. I think both methods should be consistent - i.e.
>> we do not want findRule to return the first and deleteRule to remove the
>> last - but I do not have a strong opinion as to the default. Thoughts?
> I agree that they should be consistent. I think we should pick the
> behaviour of the most common one (we might have to guess at which that is,
> probably findRule).

Agree, both on reasoning and suspicion of which is more common.


Received on Thursday, 11 December 2014 20:31:01 UTC