Re: [css-writing-modes][CSS21][css3-ui] defining 'cursor: auto' properly (Issue 48)


Monday, December 1, 2014, 5:45:12 PM, Florian wrote:

> Which makes be think of text along a curvy path. Should the cursor
> change as the path’s tangent goes past 45deg?

Text on a path is text, which has firstly been laid out, and secondly
put on a path. So horizontal text is horizontal text, even if the path
is a vertical line or a circle. It does not suddenly become vertical
text at some critical angle. (One could also lay out vertical text,
and then put it on a path).

Its the same as having some text element and rotating it. The text
does not become "vertical text" and "horizontal text", and re-layout,
four times per 360 degree rotation.

As to the cursor, for horizontal text, if it can be displayed
perpendicular to the path then that is nice (but different issue to
horizontal/vertical text).

Best regards,
 Chris Lilley, Technical Director, W3C Interaction Domain

Received on Monday, 1 December 2014 17:04:36 UTC