Re: [css-grid] Sizing of grid item elements

Thanks for the feedback, Tab.

> > Shouldn't that mean that the default case actually is what I expect it to
> > be, i.e. that the item stretches to fill its grid area vertically? If
> not,
> > since the grid item is obviously bounded by the grid lines: what is then
> > being stretched by default?
> This appears to be a Chrome bug.  It struck me too, just recently,
> when I tried to use it.  I suggest reporting it so it can be fixed.

Cool - already in touch with some of the guys implementing in Chrome and
WebKit - it seems the alignment stuff isn't done yet, so it defaults to
"start" for now.
I hade mistakenly noted that the IE implementation does the same thing (it

> > The second thing that struck me as counter-intuitive is that columns
> sized
> > with percentages on a grid container without an explicitly declared width
> > won't get sizes according to a percentage of the grid container width,
> but
> > compute to "auto" width. In my example, I used the <body> element as the
> > grid container, and wanted empty "spacer" columns on the side of the
> actual
> > contents, but they collapsed (to nothing, as they had no items/content).
> I
> > had to set "width: 100%" on the <body> element for them to get rendered,
> > which felt superflous.
> I suspect another bug.  Percentages generally are able to resolve
> against a "fill" width on blocks; there's no good reason they
> shouldn't work as you expect here.  (In some cases they can't resolve,
> when the size of the element depends on the size of the content, but
> that's not the case for widths in "block" contexts by default.)

Good to know, I'll make sure to file that one.

> > Somewhat in the same vein, I tried to achieve a "sticky footer" effect by
> > declaring a min-height of 100vh on the <body> element (my grid
> container),
> > and setting the main row of content to "minmax(1fr, max-content)"; that
> too
> > failed: the grid inside the body element shrunk as the 1fr computed to
> > "auto", and only worked  when I set an explicit "height: 100%" on the
> > container (<body>). (Using the same general idea with a flexbox column
> and
> > the main content box with "flex: 1" works with only min-height, for
> > example.)
> That's intentional - fr units only work in the "max" side of a
> minmax().  This is a consequence of the grid layout algorithm.
> In similar flexbox layouts, you also have to set a "height: 100%;" on
> the <html> and <body> elements.

Oh, I didn't know that about the flexbox "sticky footer". min-height: 100vh
works in Chrome, WebKit and Firefox but not IE, (which has some bugs with
column flexboxes, it seems) and, strangely, Opera on Blink.

Thanks again!


Received on Friday, 22 August 2014 15:09:45 UTC