Re: [selectors][css-namespaces][css-scoping] Clash between Namespaces and Scoping regarding implied universal selector

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
> On 8/8/14, 8:25 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> This will only have an effect on pages that (a)
>> declare a default namespace in CSS, (b) use elements not in that
>> namespace, and (c) use selectors without type selectors.
> It will also affect user and UA stylesheets, for which (b) becomes:
> (b) Are applied to pages that use elements in some other namespace.
> For example, the UA stylesheet the HTML spec defines would need to change.
> As would various user stylesheets, likely.  Note that the difference in (b)
> makes this a lot less of an edge case than the author stylesheet version.
> I'm not sure I want to go break user stylesheets, honestly, as a UA
> implementor.

You think that a lot of user stylesheets use default namespaces?

>> 2. Define that an element's namespace is *separate from* its type, and
>> that featureless elements match all namespaces.
> This seems simplest to me, fwiw: you have to special-case "featureless"
> elements anyway, since they're not actual elements, so you might as well
> special-case how the matching of namespaces happens for them...

Yeah, I've got language drafted up for it already.  It's less
troublesome than I thought it would be.


Received on Saturday, 9 August 2014 05:33:46 UTC