Re: [css-shapes][css-values] getComputedStyle for Percentages used as length

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 2:37 PM, François REMY
<> wrote:
> Just to be sure before updating, would that text be okay:
> # getComputedStyle:
> #
> # Returns a style object allowing to retrieve the values of all
> # the CSS properties of an element after applying the active
> # stylesheets and resolving any basic computation those values
> # may contain.
> and, for more details:
> # The returned object actually represents the CSS resolved
> # values, not the computed values. While those values are
> # usually equal, some older CSS properties like 'width' or
> # 'border' will return their used value instead.
> I also clarified the following text that explains the history of the feature:
> # Originally, CSS 2.0 defined the computed values to be the final
> # "ready to be used" values of properties after cascading and
> # inheritance, but CSS 2.1 redefined computed values as pre-layout,
> # and used values as post-layout.
> #
> # The differences between pre- and post-layout does include the
> # resolution of percentages relative to the width or the height of
> # an element (its layout).
> #
> # While the computed style will return percentages values untouched
> # in this case, the getComputedStyle function will sometimes, due to
> # backwards compatibility, return the old meaning of computed values
> # (now called used values) for a specific set of properties and resolve
> # those percentages anyway.
> #
> # There is, however, no unique DOM API to strictly get
> # the CSS 2.1 computed values, nor the CSS 2.1 used values.


> Does that seem okay to you?

Yup, seems fine.


Received on Monday, 16 September 2013 21:51:06 UTC