Re: [css-shapes] <basic-shapes> etc. summary 3

On 11/10/13 3:07 PM, "Alan Stearns" <> wrote:
>We change circle() and ellipse() to use radial gradient syntax:
>circle() = circle( [<size>] [at <position>] )
>ellipse() = ellipse( [<size>] [at <position>] )

Now that I'm starting to make these changes, I'm noticing that <size> as
defined by radial gradients does not allow percentages for circle radii,
and the corner keywords there are more suited for gradients than shapes
(farthest and closest corner radii will not tend to produce useful circles
for shape-outside or clip-path).

I think I'd like to amend this to:

circle() = circle( [<shape-radius>] [at <position>] )
ellipse() = ellipse( [<shape-radius>{2}] [at <position>] )

Where <shape-radius> keeps the same width/height/cover/contain keywords as
the current shapes draft, and we keep the same percentage circle radius
definition in the draft.



Received on Monday, 11 November 2013 00:59:19 UTC