Re: [css3][background] background-size as the background shorthand

Looks like WebKit has added "a settings" to allow clients not to reset
bg-size by the shorthand.

Changeset 147034 – Add a settings to disallow initializing background-size
if background shorthand doesn't include it.

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 1:33 AM, Sylvain Galineau <>wrote:

> [Boris Zbarsky:]
> >
> > But again, from a general point of view, what you are asking for is that
> > every single other browser make a backwards-incompatible change away from
> > the current spec, and away from the usual CSS behavior, causing compat
> > problems for them, so that WebKit can avoid some compat problems due to
> it
> > having an initial buggy implementation of background-size.  I understand
> > why that makes sense from _WebKit_'s point of view, but I don't see how
> it
> > makes any sense at all from anyone else's.
> >
> I strongly agree this does not make sense. If you ship a bug and people
> start
> writing content that depends on it then compatibility with this content is
> your
> responsibility. I do not expect Microsoft or anyone else to change their
> implementations to comply with faulty content that might not be even
> intended
> to work in their browsers since it obviously is not tested against
> non-WebKit
> engines.
> This shorthand reset behavior is consistent across CSS and I do not see a
> reason to make an exception. And it would have to be a pretty compelling
> one
> to mess with the background shorthand, of all things.

Masataka Yakura

Received on Thursday, 28 March 2013 14:55:57 UTC