RE: The :min-width/:max-width pseudo-classes

> Er.... you sure as heck do. Did you mean to say it the other way around?

Okay, I'm probably wrong on this but my vision has always been that iframes and the parent frame are independant and that the iframe's document only see a size change of the iframe asynchronously, just like what happens when you resize the browser window: if you go very fast, the layout end up being done for a size that is different from the one the window has when the content is rendered. 

I thought it could have been something similar for iframes: the layout of the outer document is computed, then the iframe is notified of a 'window' resize (causing a relayout) and try to produce a new render (the old render being used and cropped by the parent frame if the new render doesn't come fastly enough).

However, I see the possibility that iframes could just get flattened with the parent document in the layout tree in which case you have a very different logic. 		 	   		  

Received on Friday, 22 March 2013 17:16:43 UTC