Re: [css3-fonts] @font-face font-family names used in other @font-face rules

On 7 March 2013 00:11, John Daggett <> wrote:
> I also don't really think this is a great way of doing this, you're
> trying to subset a font provided by a font service.  It would be a far
> better use of resources to download an appropriately subsetted font
> rather than download the full font just to use a single character.

Google does exactly this type of subsetting if you tell it to,
returning only the ampersand glyph within the font. (Yes, family,
etc.) So while I understand the objection you're making, I don't think
it's central to the point of being able to refer to @font-face values
in the way being discussed.

> Another point is that you can do this just as easily by wrapping a
> span around the ampersand you're trying to use;

Part of the benefit of unicode-range is that exactly this is not
necessary. Think of it from the other point of view: you don't have to
go and make sure every "&" is wrapped in a span, or use JavaScript
specific to presentation to do so.

> Adam, you need to think about your enhancement in terms of the
> mechanics of *families* and not just single faces.  A single
> @font-face rule refers to a single face while the font family name
> refers to a *set* of faces with defined rules for mapping font
> properties to a given face (or set of faces if unicode-range is used).
> The above pseudo-code does not work because "Wendy One" refers to a
> family and not a specific font.

I understand that it refers to a family. I am not attempting to extra
a specific glyph to be used across all possible sets of faces in the
overridden family? The pseudocode "works" if you accept such mechanics
as the desired outcome, surely? Family vs font aside, there is a use
case here, I believe.

Received on Thursday, 7 March 2013 00:25:12 UTC