new member from Opera Software

(I've sent the below to w3c-css-wg but thought I'd send it to a public  
list, too.)

Hello everyone!

I've joined this group in the hope to help in the following areas:

* Review specs
* Write new tests
* Convert existing tests from Opera/Mozilla/WebKit and submit them
* Edit specs

Suggestions for which specs are in greatest need of an editor is welcome. suggests "table layout" as one work  
item that I may be interested in.

I'm currently editing the "quirks mode" spec, at which I hope in the end will be merged in  
to the relevant CSS specs that define the relevant features that spec is  
monkey patching. But there's no rush for that, though.


Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 10:45:19 UTC